Matthew 19:27 - "Then Peter said to him, “We’ve given up everything to follow you. What will we get?”
When I was recently attending a minister's conference in Texarakana, Texas, a Brother came up to me who I hadn't seen in years and asked if I still lived in Asia. When I told him that we moved back to the U.S., and that it was a divine act when my wife, Christina received a phone call out of no where from the CEO of a major global corporation, asking her to become the Vice President of Public Relations for their North America Telecommunications Division, and that God had abundantly and overflowingly financially blessed us and we bought a house, etc....He responded sarcastically (hiding it with a defensive chuckle) - "Was it God blessing you or your wife?" I turned, looked him straight in the face and said, "Has an angel ever showed up to your front door and given you a bag of money?" He didn't know how to respond...I followed up, "Through your faithfulness, God uses natural events to bring blessing to you - your failure to understand that is the reason why you are in need...natural events and opportunities have been passing you by, waiting for that angel coming to your front door."
I was speaking prophetically as I was told later, that this fellow and his wife was attending the conference, hoping to get some funding for their international projects...But his spiritually carnal comment says it all to me: Such a mindset is void of spiritual understanding and ignorance of the facts: My wife and I have given up all on many occasions - a willingness to put our faith on the line when the 'going was good'; that is the reason why we are abundantly blessed: Indeed, last year after we moved back to the U.S., and God overwhelmed us financially, my spiritual father, who has been intimately spiritually involved in all our personal and ministerial decisions for 20 years said, "Many people proclaim to have Faith (especially within our Word of Faith Camp), but you and Christina actually live and prove it; you have placed your total trust in God..that is why you are blessed."...And we have:
I gave up a job as an investment banker on Wall Street to go into the ministry (and since I was asked by God in January 1996, whether I trust Him to financially take care of us if I never took a ministry salary because he needed a Kingdom Witness to prove His true prosperity, I said "Yes" - and I NEVER have taken a salary in 20 years of ministry); and at the same time Christina was the premier Wall Street correspondent for Reuters News, regularly appearing on PBS TV "Nightly Business Report"...and when in 2011, after Satan diabolically threw a major monkey wrench into Christina's career with Reuters, where she didn't get the big promotion as the Asia Editor (the 'big boss' of the entire Asia Region which everyone assumed was hers) with a 100% expat package in Hong Kong (including housing in the most expensive city in the world and lots of big-time senior managerial perks) because a country bureau chief who worked for her, hated Christians and maliciously lied, challenging her (and my) integrity (The woman said, I took offering money from an Indonesian Christian billionaire - who I NEVER met - and in exchange, Christina gave him favorable news coverage...she was totally cleared of the unfounded slanderous charges, but it was too late for the promotion) - even though she became the Big Boss of South Asia with 300 journalists working for her in a number of countries (including Pakistan and Afghanistan), and with a full expat package based in Bangalore, India - she quit her 25 year career with Reuters because the Lord called us to go to Hong Kong so I could go start an apostolic ministry in China and Reuters wouldn't send her (that my friends, is faithfulness and obedience to God) - She instead, took a mid-level managerial job with a small reputable public relations company in Hong Kong for 35% LESS salary, minimal bonus and NO expat package, a job where she was on financial 'local terms': We gave up financially ALL to follow God's plan - willing to empty our bank accounts just to make rent which was over US$8,500+/month plus other major expenses including paying for our own medical; and on more than a few times Christina came home crying because she hated her job because she was treated as a "glorified go-fer" and a menial nobody sitting at a desk (my wife in her previous South Asia 'Big Boss' position with Reuters had an office with three assistants, and a car and driver with her title; along with all the money, housing allowances and perks).....But through her faithfulness, I received miraculous open apostolic doors for ministry into China WITHIN 2 WEEKS OF MOVING to Hong Kong...Apostlic ministry doors that I am using in a major apostolic Kingdom ministry trip in September...
So when we were living in Hong Kong and Christina 'suddenly' received a phone call in April 2014 at 10pm on a Thursday night from the CEO of this global corporation, offering her a major big-time promotion - a bigger job than her 'big bosses' with the public relations company she was working with in Hong Kong (with multiple times her salary, plus a major bonus scheme; plus FULL international moving package including a free corporate service apartment for 3 months) - The Lord spoke clearly: "This promotion is for your faithfulness, I have not forgotten you and your obedience!"...We gave up all to follow Jesus, and we now are receiving one hundred-fold NOW in this life:
To that Brother in Texarkana, and perhaps to some of you - you will never experience that one hundred-fold blessing because you are sitting home waiting for that angel with a bag of money; and (perhaps due to envy and jealousy) you discount the Godly Blessings in others' lives who have proven out God's Word, passing it off as worldly 'coincidence' (which sadly, dishonors God): That is okay with me because it's between you and God; it doesn't affect our Divine Blessings - you are only hurting yourself...But for those who truly walk by faith and put their total trust in God - willing to give up ALL to follow Jesus (even when it costs you all - and all you have), you will find God moving upon people, events and circumstances to give you all - God will command all of Heaven's power and influence to make transformational and miraculous changes in your life - and use every day events and circumstances to do it)...Understand - You may discount it as being 'in the natural', but if you do, you will cut-off God's blessings...Because the question remains- Do you have REAL FAITH, or are you (as my spiritual father said that day about the majority of the Church World) just 'playing Church' and making empty faith professions, not willing to place ALL you and your family have on the line for your Faith and obedience to God, Jesus and the Kingdom of God ??! (To those who have ears to hear...)
When I was recently attending a minister's conference in Texarakana, Texas, a Brother came up to me who I hadn't seen in years and asked if I still lived in Asia. When I told him that we moved back to the U.S., and that it was a divine act when my wife, Christina received a phone call out of no where from the CEO of a major global corporation, asking her to become the Vice President of Public Relations for their North America Telecommunications Division, and that God had abundantly and overflowingly financially blessed us and we bought a house, etc....He responded sarcastically (hiding it with a defensive chuckle) - "Was it God blessing you or your wife?" I turned, looked him straight in the face and said, "Has an angel ever showed up to your front door and given you a bag of money?" He didn't know how to respond...I followed up, "Through your faithfulness, God uses natural events to bring blessing to you - your failure to understand that is the reason why you are in need...natural events and opportunities have been passing you by, waiting for that angel coming to your front door."
I was speaking prophetically as I was told later, that this fellow and his wife was attending the conference, hoping to get some funding for their international projects...But his spiritually carnal comment says it all to me: Such a mindset is void of spiritual understanding and ignorance of the facts: My wife and I have given up all on many occasions - a willingness to put our faith on the line when the 'going was good'; that is the reason why we are abundantly blessed: Indeed, last year after we moved back to the U.S., and God overwhelmed us financially, my spiritual father, who has been intimately spiritually involved in all our personal and ministerial decisions for 20 years said, "Many people proclaim to have Faith (especially within our Word of Faith Camp), but you and Christina actually live and prove it; you have placed your total trust in God..that is why you are blessed."...And we have:
I gave up a job as an investment banker on Wall Street to go into the ministry (and since I was asked by God in January 1996, whether I trust Him to financially take care of us if I never took a ministry salary because he needed a Kingdom Witness to prove His true prosperity, I said "Yes" - and I NEVER have taken a salary in 20 years of ministry); and at the same time Christina was the premier Wall Street correspondent for Reuters News, regularly appearing on PBS TV "Nightly Business Report"...and when in 2011, after Satan diabolically threw a major monkey wrench into Christina's career with Reuters, where she didn't get the big promotion as the Asia Editor (the 'big boss' of the entire Asia Region which everyone assumed was hers) with a 100% expat package in Hong Kong (including housing in the most expensive city in the world and lots of big-time senior managerial perks) because a country bureau chief who worked for her, hated Christians and maliciously lied, challenging her (and my) integrity (The woman said, I took offering money from an Indonesian Christian billionaire - who I NEVER met - and in exchange, Christina gave him favorable news coverage...she was totally cleared of the unfounded slanderous charges, but it was too late for the promotion) - even though she became the Big Boss of South Asia with 300 journalists working for her in a number of countries (including Pakistan and Afghanistan), and with a full expat package based in Bangalore, India - she quit her 25 year career with Reuters because the Lord called us to go to Hong Kong so I could go start an apostolic ministry in China and Reuters wouldn't send her (that my friends, is faithfulness and obedience to God) - She instead, took a mid-level managerial job with a small reputable public relations company in Hong Kong for 35% LESS salary, minimal bonus and NO expat package, a job where she was on financial 'local terms': We gave up financially ALL to follow God's plan - willing to empty our bank accounts just to make rent which was over US$8,500+/month plus other major expenses including paying for our own medical; and on more than a few times Christina came home crying because she hated her job because she was treated as a "glorified go-fer" and a menial nobody sitting at a desk (my wife in her previous South Asia 'Big Boss' position with Reuters had an office with three assistants, and a car and driver with her title; along with all the money, housing allowances and perks).....But through her faithfulness, I received miraculous open apostolic doors for ministry into China WITHIN 2 WEEKS OF MOVING to Hong Kong...Apostlic ministry doors that I am using in a major apostolic Kingdom ministry trip in September...
So when we were living in Hong Kong and Christina 'suddenly' received a phone call in April 2014 at 10pm on a Thursday night from the CEO of this global corporation, offering her a major big-time promotion - a bigger job than her 'big bosses' with the public relations company she was working with in Hong Kong (with multiple times her salary, plus a major bonus scheme; plus FULL international moving package including a free corporate service apartment for 3 months) - The Lord spoke clearly: "This promotion is for your faithfulness, I have not forgotten you and your obedience!"...We gave up all to follow Jesus, and we now are receiving one hundred-fold NOW in this life:
To that Brother in Texarkana, and perhaps to some of you - you will never experience that one hundred-fold blessing because you are sitting home waiting for that angel with a bag of money; and (perhaps due to envy and jealousy) you discount the Godly Blessings in others' lives who have proven out God's Word, passing it off as worldly 'coincidence' (which sadly, dishonors God): That is okay with me because it's between you and God; it doesn't affect our Divine Blessings - you are only hurting yourself...But for those who truly walk by faith and put their total trust in God - willing to give up ALL to follow Jesus (even when it costs you all - and all you have), you will find God moving upon people, events and circumstances to give you all - God will command all of Heaven's power and influence to make transformational and miraculous changes in your life - and use every day events and circumstances to do it)...Understand - You may discount it as being 'in the natural', but if you do, you will cut-off God's blessings...Because the question remains- Do you have REAL FAITH, or are you (as my spiritual father said that day about the majority of the Church World) just 'playing Church' and making empty faith professions, not willing to place ALL you and your family have on the line for your Faith and obedience to God, Jesus and the Kingdom of God ??! (To those who have ears to hear...)